Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

2 Universities

1 Course

1 Subject

Campaign Plan

Campaign Plan

Q Instructions For your own brand/project, create a campaign with a specific and measurable goal that you can put into action. This means that: • You will set a specific goal, such as a percentage increase in followers, views, or engagement. • You will set a specific time frame to reach that goal. It can be as long as six weeks, but no shorter than three weeks. • You will select the platforms you will focus on. (Please explain your choices.) • You will designate specific tactics that you will use to reach your goal. Tools • Word processing software Due Date Before the end of this module. Submission Directions Submit your written response in a PDF. Use this file-naming convention: • 7_1_FirstName_LastName.pdf

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Campaign: Short film project! Specific goals for short film project: - Lock in cast for short film by mid of April - Contact film crew for shoot and lock them in by late April or early May - Have film shot by mid-May and fully edited by late May, ready for distribution - Once short film is released, my goal is to have at least 1k views in the first week on YouTube. Specific time frame to reach that goal: My time frame to reach my goal is having everything complete for my short film from pre - production to post-production by late May.